Well Effect Guidelines
Risk Reduction for Travel, Gatherings, Visitors or suspected exposure.
Please inform us of potentially higher risk activities and follow the guidelines developed to mitigate the real risk of transmission. As a Team we are trying to balance maximum protection and realistic steps that promote an upside of protection for us all and at worst has a downside that you will not visit us for a period of days. Hopefully you will consider this a relatively small sacrifice for the greater good. Thank you for doing your part at keeping yourself and everyone around you a bit safer!!
Your own car to an APPROVED travel state using MA guidelines and carefully following all social distancing behaviors for short day trips or weekend stays overnight. No known exposure to any CoVid while traveling and you are not experiencing any symptoms:
- No change in appointments required.
Your own car to a RESTRICTED state that is on MA quarantine list and carefully following all social distancing behaviors for short day trips or weekend stays overnight..
- Please notify us and we will assist you in canceling appointments for the next 14 days.
- First option is to get Tested for Covid at 7 days after your return.
- We’ll restart appointments at the Center when we receive a copy of a negative result.
- If you choose not to be tested on day 7 we can restart appointments on day 15 after returning from travel and if you are not experiencing any symptoms.
Public transportation (ie Plane, Bus, Taxi, Uber, Train, Ferry, etc.) for any travel in state or out of State. Upon return:
- Please notify us and we will assist you in canceling appointments for the next 14 days.
- First option is to get Tested for Covid at 7 days after your return.
- We’ll restart appointments at the Center when we receive a copy of a negative result.
- If you choose not to be tested on day 7 we can restart appointments on day 15 after returning from travel and if you are not experiencing any symptoms.
Social Gatherings outside your normal everyday small “pod” of family and friends
- Please notify us and we will assist you in canceling appointments for the next 14 days.
- First option is to get Tested for Covid at 7 days after your return.
- We’ll restart appointments at the Center when we receive a copy of a negative result.
- If you choose not to be tested on day 7 we can restart appointments on day 15 after returning from travel and if you are not experiencing any symptoms.
Visitor, Guests, Family members (VGFM) that travel, visit your home or stay at your home or had been staying with you, leaves on a trip and returns to your house after travel and is experiencing no symptoms;
- Please notify us and we will assist you in canceling appointments for the next 14 days.
- First option is to get Tested for Covid at 7 days after their visit began
- We’ll restart appointments at the Center when we receive a copy of a negative result.
- If you choose not to be tested on day 7 we can restart appointments on day 15 after their visit began and if you are not experiencing any symptoms.
Suspected exposure, exposure to a person experiencing symptoms, or confirmed confirmed exposure to a person with Covid-19;
- Please notify us and we will assist you in canceling appointments for the next 14 days.
- Find out if the suspected person has a confirmed negative test.
- If person is negative, let us know and we will restart appointments.
- If unknown or positive, first option is to get Tested for Covid at 7 days.
- We’ll restart appointments at the Center when we receive a copy of a negative result.
- If you choose not to be tested on day 7 we can restart appointments on day 30 after exposure and if you are not experiencing any symptoms.